Wandering into your life…

Do you ever sit back and look at all the hundreds of people that have wandered across your life and wonder where they went, what are they up to now and do they remember you.

I’m not sure why, but recently I keep catching myself thinking of people I’ve come across anyone from the guy who served me coffee in Starbucks to friends from school to dates I’ve been on. It’s a fleeting thought, a momentary madness some might say but mostly just curiousity.

I wonder if they felt me coast across their life in the same wave of calm or if I crashed through like a tornado or whirlwind of excitement, emotion and energy. I remember once a boy describe me as a whirlwind when I broke up with him and I never understood why it was a bad thing. He said I came into his life changed it all about and left all at once and so fast he wasn’t even sure it had happened, now to me in my naive mind that was almost a compliment! Guess who’s an optimist?! I figured it was great to have someone with a burst of energy come in like a breath of fresh air and re-allign it all, now that I’m older I can look back and see what he was trying to say.

We walk, run, skip and slide in and out of people lives often without conscious thought, minding our own business focussed on our own means however I think it’s nice to sit back and look at it from an outside perspective, if for nothing else a bit of self realization and momentary mindfulness.

Anyway enough random ramblings and brain dumps for one night, let me know your experiences and if you’re a whirlwind or wave of calm.


** Disclaimer! – This is one of those brain dump/emotions kind of posts**

When you’re young you trust without caution, you have no experience of anyone abusing your trust or letting you down, and then somewhere along the journey of life – cheesy! – you start to question your blind trust.

Without realising it I had my trust broken when i was about 9 years old. Seems like no big deal however now as a 26 year old woman i can say i struggle with trust and only recently made the connection. I blindly trusted that no matter what; the family love i was surrounded with was unconditional. Turns out all it took was for an unexpected and tragic event to occur and that love came with many conditions. So many in fact that it was no longer provided to an innocent 9 year old due to the adults own perception of reality.

Seems a heavy start to a post however it’s been playing on my mind and as my mum was recently home again it gave me an opportunity to talk about it. It was only after me raising something else with my mum that she highlighted to me what had happened when i was 9. I was ready to try hypnosis to try and “fix” my unconscious mind because i was becoming aware of negative self talk and couldn’t connect why i was doing it.

Turns out all i really needed was to voice what was in my head with my Mum, and she was able to help me unpick all of the thoughts and understand why I was thinking in that way. It’s the start of a journey but it’s one i feel far more in control of than i did a week ago!


-K xx


” Everyone you meet always asks if you have a career, are married or own a house as if it’s some kind of grocery list. But no one ever asks if you’re happy ” – Heath Ledger

This quote has always stuck with me, I genuinely believe that if you chase money or status you will always be looking for more. However if you chase happiness then the job will come, the partnership will happen and the home will be built.

I’ve changed career quite a few times already, been to college for something that wasn’t related to my career but just for the sake of interest and somehow managed to land in a field of work that I really get a buzz from.

If I could go back in time to my 16 year old self choosing subjects in school for my future, I would advise to go with whatever was going to make me happy at that time because the skills I’ve learned since leaving school are the ones that I now require, not necessarily the skills I learned while sat in class.

If you could go back would you change the choices you made?

– K xx